The Holocaust Explained
A website exclusively for children that “fills a gap in Holocaust education”
The London Jewish Cultural Centre (The “LJCC” now merged with JW3) is an acknowledged force in Holocaust education in the UK and overseas; plays a lead role on the international Intergovernmental Task Force on Holocaust Education and has the status of a Non-Governmental Organisation (‘NGO’). The LJCC was funded to develop and deliver a web portal to address the Holocaust educational needs of British schoolchildren. The site was launched on Holocaust Memorial Day 2011 at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office by Michael Gove former Secretary of State for Education.
The brief was to create and disseminate a web-based platform which matches the UK Schools curricula for Holocaust studies for key stages 4 and 5. It was created to:
- Meet the information needs of young people with no knowledge of the Holocaust.
- Be easily navigable and contain all their needs in one place.
- Encourage users to explore, and learn more than the minimum about the Holocaust.
Project Highlights
– Audience Discovery & Insight
– Workshops and Steering Groups
– Branding & Creative
– User Experience & Interface
– Website & CMS Development
– Technical Consultancy (security & hosting)
– Interactive content & Timelines
– Project Management & Coordination
– Search Engine Marketing & Google Grants
– Training & Formal Launch Demonstrations
The website fills a gap in Holocaust education by providing a resource that is designed exclusively for children. It is vital for children to have resources such as this to help ensure that the terrible events of the Holocaust are never repeated.
The results of the project were beyond the expectations. Not only did the website obtain the desired popularity with UK school children it also gained significant traction internationally with large numbers of visitors coming from the United States.
Since launch the website has attracted over 4.8million Visits from 3.8million unique users. 30% of those users were from the UK (1.5million) with the rest from the US, Australia, Canada, Germany and beyond.
Most of the traffic (3 million) was generated through an ongoing SEO campaign and a supporting Google Grant both set up and managed by Totally. The site is still gaining in popularity attracting over 200,000 visits last month, the best January since the site began. Traffic continues to accrue from keywords such as: “Holocaust”, “what is the holocaust”, “Nazi propaganda”, “Anne Frank”, “concentration camps”, “Auschwitz” among others.

The Holocaust Explained is a first. It is approachable and easy to navigate, offering multimedia explanations to help young people understand the gravity of the Holocaust and why such events should never be allowed to happen again.