Early Stage Innovation
Cutting-edge software that pushes boundaries
If you can dream it, we can work with you to make it happen. Whatever ‘it’ might be.
Early-Stage Innovation excites, motivates and drives us forward to find solutions that may never have been thought of before – a new frontier!
The process
Depending on how far along you are with your idea is where we’ll join on your journey to the final product. Typically this is what an early stage innovation project could look like:
Idea conceptualisation: After considering a brief we’ll commence proceedings with a project kick off workshop. This will allow us to discover and engage with you about your concept and how we can help bring it to life. We’ll do a detailed requirements capture which will give us all the information we need to plan the development sprints.
Wireframing and UX / UX: We’ll begin to wireframe the product so you can see exactly how users will interact with the interface. We’ll take on board any feedback and make iterations while continuing to move forward.
Development phase: We develop software using an Agile approach, which means we work in sprints; short bursts of development work. At the end of each sprint we give you a chance to see a working version of what has been built so far. This gives you the opportunity to make amendments within the existing scope of the project.
MVP: Initially we would recommend building an ‘MVP’ or minimum viable product. We develop a product with sufficient features to satisfy early adopters. The final product is only built with the considered feedback from the initial user set.
Charging models
We are also interested in partnership or collaboration opportunities as well as possible upfront investment. Don’t sit on your big ideas, get in touch, together we might just be able to find a way to make them work. In the past we’ve worked with clients on the following bases:
- Performance or results-based
- Fixed price project work
- Equity stake for further reduced rates

Who will work on your project
Technical project manager
Richard Forster is one of our technical project managers. He has years of experience guiding projects from their wireframed beginnings to all-singing-all-dancing live versions.
UX / UI designer
Jim Rayfield has a number of years experience in UI & UX, wireframing and responsive design, branding and style guidelines. He has worked for Totally since 2016.
As a senior technical architect Simon Vandyk is just one of a team of developers who will build your product from the ground up. He’s worked on countless Totally projects with the latest technologies and frameworks and specialises in back-end web applications for many of our biggest clients.