Mobile Development

Creating fully-functional mobile apps for a seamless user experience

Our highly experienced team of developers uses progressive web app technology to create a seamless app experience, which is just as slick as your full site. For each of our projects, we start by creating a roadmap and then move on to develop an application that is simple, usable and beautifully designed. A user should not only be able to easily navigate your application but also have an enjoyable experience doing so.

We typically build apps in React Native which enables us to get them up and running much quicker.

What is your app for?

Task resolution: This is probably the most common reason why apps are developed – to help users achieve something. It could be mobile-first access to the service that your business offers, or a tool or solution to a day-to-day task.

Customer service: Perhaps you want to create a platform which allows you to improve the two-way conversation with your customers. An app can provide more value to them, increase loyalty and provide them a channel in which to give back feedback.

Content delivery: Apps can be a really effective tool in providing content to a user base, all within an environment you control. This can help you to build community through sharing exclusive content, or even tailoring content to particular users. Mobile apps can also be successful at spreading brand awareness through strategic social sharing buttons.

Entertainment: From gaming to connecting with friends to streaming, apps can provide a device-focussed way to relieve the monotony of daily life – we jest of course! Apps have been fundamental to how we live, communicate, find joy and share information – so we’d love to hear from you if you think your idea is the next big thing.

Ready to talk about your project?


Mobile apps versus mobile website

If you’re considering building an app you may have asked yourself if it’s worthwhile when you could just make your website as mobile-friendly as possible.

There are some crucial advantages of having an app over a mobile site.

  • You can tailor users’ experience, enabling improved personalisation
  • You can send notifications (both push and in-app)
  • Connect and use the features of your device such as cameras or gestures like swiping and pinching
  • Users spend more time in apps overall and having an app installed on a device will be a frequent reminder for users of that brand

Apps we’ve built

YesRef | CLIKd |Riskhub

Our Process

We listen to you, we listen to each other, we show empathy and involve everyone in how we move forward and improve. When we think, you can almost hear us whirring. This is what gives us our edge.

Discover & Define

By understanding what makes your business unique we can translate your requirements into a coherent software programme.

Design & Build

Our experienced in-house teams will deliver your project to its exact requirements.

Support & Partner

We can stabilise your current systems and then support and future proof your technology. We build long standing client relationships founded on transparency.